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  • USA

    Los Angeles is home for the first Maf Club in the US, operating since 2001. Rapidly growing Maf community already established permanent clubs in New York, Chicago, Miami, San Diego and many others. 

  • Armenia

    MAF Club Yerevan was the first in the system of MAF Clubs established in 1997. It was declared an exclusive and closed club in 1998. It is the home of oldest running tournament: The World Championship of Mafia game, which is held every first weekend of May for the past 18 years.

  • Ukraine

    Although new additions to the MAF Club system, clubs in Kyiv and Odessa are some of the oldest clubs in the world, where Mafia game is played. 

  • Poland

    With a flow of immigrants from Ukraine into Poland, it was just a matter of time before the first official club would get established by lovers of this game.

  • Japan

    Mafia in Japan? Although Katana (Samurai sword) cannot be used in the game of Mafia, Japanese philosophy may contribute to superior skills of players.

  • Lithuania

    After visiting famous wooden castles and fortresses, do not miss out our favorite game of Mafia in an intelligent and classy Lithuanian Mafia Club. 

  • Estonia

    В Эстонии играют в Мафию на эстонском ... а также на английском, русском, финском и немецком языках. Эстония занимает одно из ведущих мест в мире по уровню грамотности с 99,8%, и почти все жители владеют хотя бы одним иностранным. Те, кто раньше не слышал эстонский язык, часто говорят, что он звучит как язык эльфов, а слова öötöö (ночная работа), jäääär (кромка льда)  ... ставят иностранцев в тупик.

  • Switzerland

    Zurich is the world center of finance and banking, located north of Lake Zurich in northern Switzerland. And more recently, also the center of the mafia community in Switzerland. In White Mafia Club Zürich you will find many new friends and have a good time.

  • Legendary Clubs